Sponsoring The Big Cats

April 19th, 2010

Dr. Gorrell is a Sponsor of Big Cat Rescue, a non profit educational sanctuary, which is devoted to rescuing and providing a permanent home for exotic (i.e. wild, not domestic) cats who have been abused, abandoned, bred to be pets, retired from performing acts, or saved from being slaughtered for fur coats, and to educating the public about these animals and the issues facing them in captivity and in the wild. The sanctuary is home to the most diverse population of exotic cats in the world, with 16 species and subspecies of wild cat represented among more than 100 residents. These include tigers, lions, liger, leopards, cougars, bobcats, lynx, ocelots, servals, caracals and others, many of whom are threatened, endangered, or now extinct in the wild. If you like what Big Cat Rescue is doing to save the cats, please visit: Big Cat Rescue

Call Dr. Gorrell at 800-788-1444


One Response to “Sponsoring The Big Cats”

  1. Susan says:

    Please visit bigcatrescuelies.blogspot.com and read the reports with an open mind.
    BCR is under investigation and the results could prove embarrassing to those who promote them.

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