Transitions Weight Loss Tonight Review New Program

September 8th, 2010

We will be running a Transitions weight loss meeting tonite at the office, 5119 Commercial Way Spring Hill, FL  34608.  Merrilee should have updated dates on future topics available as a hand-out.  We will do the Transitions meetings each and every Wed nite as we have quite a wonderful group going.  If you wish to join us tonite there  is still room.  Call 352-224-3139.   First meeting is complimentary.

I will also be giving away TWO COMPLIMENTARY tickets to a special seminar for speaker Gary Rogers whom will help those that are wishing to take control of their own lives, money, and destiny.  The seminar is Sat, Sept 11 at Marshall Center USF 10 am to 5 pm.  (valued at $50).  The first two people to text merrilee at 727 408 0225 with their name and USF0911 will be winners!!

I have only ONE bottle of Botox remaining due to the tremendous response for the $7.99/unit ad – make sure you book with us right away, first available openings are this Friday.  First come, first serve.


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